Sunday, May 16, 2010


My wife and I have two daughters: Gabriella, age 4, and London, 2 months old. It has been an incredible journey thus far and I can plainly see the road stretched out before us. But man, is it scary.

It doesn't occur to you how tough and frightening parenting is until you are face to face with the moon at 1:00 a.m. in the cool spring night (or morning technically). It stares at you and forces questions to the top of your, more like it DEMANDS answers.

Questions like:

"Will someone ever hurt my girls?"

"Are my girls going to become famous?"

"Will my girls hate me, or love me unconditionally?"

"Will I be healthy enough to see them grow up?"

This is only a fraction of the things that race through my mind. As morbid as some of this may sound, I am confident that any parent has thought these things at some point in their parenting career, and some worse things I'm sure.

But the best thing we as parents can do is soldier on, and take each day as it comes. Some things we worry about we have no control over, thus we can't allow these thoughts to consume us. Use that energy to live in the moment and most of all...

Love those kids with every ounce, every single drop that you can muster. Everything.

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